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Are you ready to step outside your comfort zone and start living boldly?

Join our incredible community of women who share a passion for learning and personal growth through connections, community, and meaningful conversations!

Our Bold Women Club is more than just a club, it's an opportunity to connect with other amazing women and have meaningful conversations.

Together, we can support each other, empower one another, and learn from our shared experiences.

This is your chance to expand your mind, discover new connections, get activated, equipped, and inspired for life, and make lasting connections. So don't hesitate, join us today and let's start this exciting journey together!

You deserve to thrive, flourish & fulfill your
BIG & BOLD dreams as a woman living in diaspora, without compromising your
faith, fun, fitness or family!

Does this sound like you?​

I moved to a new country with big dreams in my heart about becoming wildly successful.

But I am caught up in the rat race of trying to make a living, drowning under bills, and I can’t seem to be able to find the time or energy to even think about how to pursue my dreams.

I know there is more to me than where I am right now.

But that seems like it’s been buried under struggling to survive, mortgage, car payments and making it through each day.


I know that I used to have so many dreams and desires

But my dreams have taken the back burner and I feel so lost, confused, unsure and stuck. 


I used to have dreams and a desire to make an impact with my life.

But I am torn between that and making it through each day, being the ideal woman, wife, mother, friend…


I want to be more, do more, be more productive and become the best version of myself. But I feel pulled in different directions by societal expectations of me.

I want to live a balanced, full, significant and visionary life.

I truly desire to live out my faith, with a beautiful family, excel in my career and build a legacy for the future.

But it just feels like it’s never going to happen for me.

This dream feels like a lost cause!

I envy some of my friends who seem to be doing well.

I just wish that could be me doing the things I truly love and living a life of impact.


Sometimes, I just feel like living in diaspora isn’t really for me, but I am worried to share my thoughts because I feel like I would be judged.

I feel like a shadow of who I really want to be, and I need support.

I know that I really need help in getting my life on track.

I want to see great things happen for me.

And I will be glad to ask someone who knows the way, to show me the way.

If This Sounds Like You,
The Living Boldly Collective was specially created for you...

You are not alone...

Nike & Oluseye here…

and we are so pleased that you made your way here.

Time management for moms

We have walked in your shoes at some point too.

We know you are here because you desire more out of your life.

And we know exactly what it is you desire because we have been in your exact position before.

You see, we were those women who moved to a new country also – we are women living BOLDLY in diaspora.

We also moved with BIG & BOLD dreams in our hearts and we are living those big dreams.

And guess what?

You too can live out your BIG & BOLD dreams!

You can be a Woman LIVING BOLDLY in Diaspora.

You Can Be...

A woman thriving and flourishing

in every area of her life...

Not Drowning Under Work...

...Family Life, Overwhelm, Lack Of Focus, Vision And Clarity For The Future.

So, here we are... ...moving to live in a new country...

...doing exactly what we knew was possible...
thriving and living BOLDLY in diaspora!

Through coaching and mentoring alongside other women like you, we can support your dreams to living a fulfilling life.

Will you let us show you how you can have the best of both worlds?

Will you let us show you that you can flourish and thrive in diaspora, without sacrificing faith, family or wellness?

That’s what we are about in The BOLD Women Club

We are all about giving you the tools you need to thrive, flourish and elevate to the best version of YOU!

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How would you feel
if things could change for you, where you could be living out your life abundantly?

This is exactly what happens for women in our community...


You have deep faith and a solid relationship with God.

You wake up everyday, feeling fired up, ready to dive into prayer and God's word.


You are crystal clear about God's plans for you.

You now live with so much clarity, you know exactly what God wants you to spend your waking hours doing.


You Have so much energy and a solid plan to deliver on your big and bold dreams.

You know how to pursue God's purpose and you have a plan to consistently deliver on your goals and dreams.


Your mind is now clear and free of negative emotions.

You are challenged with great thoughts propelling you and you have the right mindset to keep moving in the right direction.  


You are thriving in your relationships and you have the most amazing, deep and authentic relationships.

You are forging strategic partnerships and collaborations that are elevating the quality of your life.


You live free of overwhelm and you know how to use your time effectively

You are equipped with how to prioritize your time, stay committed to your daily routine and goals, and you are now living life free of stress and overwhelm.


You are happier than you have ever been and it shows in your marriage and parenting.

Your life is in sync, you are full of positive energy, you no longer feel the need to yell at your children because you understand how to manage your emotions.

Now you find that you have a plan in place to understand yourself, your child and you are armed with a plan to parent your child in a way that supports your child's strengths and personality.


You have a clear picture of the future you desire because your vision is crystal clear,

You are daily moving closer to being the woman of your dreams, without dropping any balls in the process.

We help you to keep your focus on the things that matter, so you don't drop any balls.

Lives are transformed because of you!

You are exceling at work, your business is thriving and you are at peace With how you are growing personally, it is showing in your work, business or ministry.

You are exceling at work, your business is thriving and you are at peace

With how you are growing personally, it is showing in your work, business or ministry.

Your vision is expanding, your influence is growing and your income is exponential.

You are leading your team with joy, your income, influence and impact are growing, as you embody the principles of personal and legacy transformation.

Your legacy leadership is transforming lives, as you continue to build on the vision that is burning in your heart.

You understand how to grow and harness an army to support your legacy work.

You are leading your team with joy...

Your income, influence and impact are growing, as you embody the principles of personal and legacy transformation.



In short, you are living your dream of a Woman Living BOLDLY in diaspora!

There's so much value packed into our
BOLD Women Club








Enjoy an incredible learning and community experience

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Full Access to Our Member Spotlight Series
Access to Member Collaborations & Networking
Full Member Groups Access
Exclusive Member Discount to Specialized Courses
Monthly Mastermind Sessions
Exclusive Member In-Person Workshops & Retreats
Specialized Member Course Library
Full Member App Experience
Full Access to our Monthly Coaching Series
Full Access to our Accountability Partnerships
Exclusive Access To Our Private Social Media
Exclusive Access To Business Listing Opportunities
Exclusive Member Events and Mixers

This is your online home away from home...
Plus our APP makes it super convenient for you to access your member resources

In-Person Monthly Club

The BOLD Women Club gives you the perfect opportunity to connect in person with other women in your city. Grow your network, get the support you need to thrive and live BOLDLY.

Online Resources

Access to the resources in The Collective is completely online and this means that you can join in from wherever you are in the world. It gives you the opportunity to meet other tribe members from across the globe.

Tailored & Flexible Payment

How you want to engage in the Collective is up to you, as we offer flexible payment options depending on what your commitment level is, and the kind of extraordinary results you desire from the program.

Interactive & Intuitive Learning

In the Living Boldly Collective, we provide you with the right learning platform, community and coaching platforms to up-level your growth and give you significant results in all areas of your life


Get on a pathway of growth as a premium member of Our Collective. We offer you course bundles that cover your 4 BOLD Pillars and 12 Significant Life Pillar areas. As a woman living in diaspora, we have resources to support you in every area of your life.

Monthly Member Assessment

Each month, we get an opportunity to connect with our members through our coaching planners tailored to work you through your 12 BOLD Pillar areas. These coaching assessments and planners give you the needed guidance and plan to live out your Big & BOLD dreams without dropping the ball.

Mentoring Opportunities

Get world-class mentors and coaches from across the globe, in the Living Boldly Collective, who will provide you with opportunities to learn, expand your influence and grow your competence in all areas of your life. If you are a coach or mentor, you also have the opportunity to share your expertise with our audience.


We are all a bout forming great connections over here in The Living Boldly Collective, and this is why all our premium members get access to our power hour sessions, co-working opportunities and member accountability and visioning live mentoring sessions with our certified and world class faculty.


Our members in the Living Boldly Collective get access to coaching, community support, accountability and mentoring support by our coaches and expert mentors all through their membership experience.


Our aim is to give you all the support you need to thrive as a woman living in diaspora. This is why we have made it an important feature of the community to support you with on e-on-one chats, support calls and

Trusted By

Past & Current Community Members
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Coaches & Guest Mentors
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Living out your BIG & BOLD dreams should Not Be Hard.

We are here to support you!

Join a community of thriving and flourishing women

Pick A Plan Here

Explore our different options here


Everything in The Bold Women Club + Full Courses & Coaching Access + Business Pitching Opportunities + Business spotlight + BOLD Yellow Pages
  • BOLD Book Club Access
  • BOLD Women Club Access
  • In-Person Monthly Meet-Up
  • Engaging Coaching Conversations
  • Member-Only Group Access
  • Member-Only Event Access
  • Member-Only Discounts
  • Full Member Resource Access
  • Access To Our Signature Significant Life Pillar resources
  • Full Membership Courses access
  • Full Member Group Coaching Access
  • Member Networking Opportunities
  • Access To Accountability Partnerships
  • Access To Monthly Masterclasses
  • Access To Member Quarterly BOLD Pillar Planners
  • Exclusive Premium member discounts
  • Exclusive Access To Business Listing Opportunities
  • Exclusive Access To Business Spotlight & Showcase Opportunities


Everything in The Bold Women Club + Full Courses & Coaching Access + Business Pitching Opportunities + Business spotlight + BOLD Yellow Pages
  • BOLD Book Club Access
  • BOLD Women Club Access
  • In-Person Monthly Meet-Up
  • Engaging Coaching Conversations
  • Member-Only Group Access
  • Member-Only Event Access
  • Member-Only Discounts
  • Full Member Resource Access
  • Access To Our Signature Significant Life Pillar resources
  • Full Membership Courses access
  • Full Member Group Coaching Access
  • Member Networking Opportunities
  • Access To Accountability Partnerships
  • Access To Monthly Masterclasses
  • Access To Member Quarterly BOLD Pillar Planners
  • Exclusive Premium member discounts
  • Exclusive Access To Business Listing Opportunities
  • Exclusive Access To Business Spotlight & Showcase Opportunities


Book Club + In-Person City Club Membership + Full Access To Community + Courses + Coaching + Connections + Collaborations
  • BOLD Book Club Access
  • BOLD Women Club Access
  • In-Person Monthly Meet-Up
  • Engaging Coaching Conversations
  • Member-Only Group Access
  • Member-Only Event Access
  • Full Member Resource Access
  • Access To Our Signature Significant Life Pillar resources
  • Full Membership Courses access
  • Full Member Group Coaching Access
  • Member Networking Opportunities
  • Access To Accountability Partnerships
  • Access To Monthly Masterclasses
  • Access To Member Quarterly BOLD Pillar Planners
  • No Access to Member-Only Discounts
  • No Access To Exclusive Premium member discounts
  • No Access To Exclusive Access To Business Listing Opportunities


Book Club + In-Person City Club Membership + Full Access To Community + Courses + Coaching + Connections + Collaborations
  • BOLD Book Club Access
  • BOLD Women Club Access
  • In-Person Monthly Meet-Up
  • Engaging Coaching Conversations
  • Member-Only Group Access
  • Member-Only Event Access
  • Full Member Resource Access
  • Access To Our Signature Significant Life Pillar resources
  • Full Membership Courses access
  • Full Member Group Coaching Access
  • Member Networking Opportunities
  • Access To Accountability Partnerships
  • Access To Monthly Masterclasses
  • Access To Member Quarterly BOLD Pillar Planners
  • No Access To Member-Only Discounts
  • No Access To Exclusive Premium member discounts
  • Exclusive Access To Business Listing Opportunities

Questions? Email us at [email protected]