Join Our
5-day Purpose Bootcamp

January 15-19, 2024

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God is sounding a clarion call for His daughters to arise into a life of purpose!

The PURPOSE BOOTCAMP is the opportunity you have been waiting for, that will move you from Confusion & Overwhelm to Clarity, Purpose & Legacy

You will understand:

  • How to kick overwhelm to the curb 
  • How to untangle yourself and get unstuck from what is draining your soul
  • How to discover and excavate who you are under all of the layers and labels society has placed on you
  • Who you have been called to be and what you have been called to do
  • The pointers and building blocks to walking in purpose
  • How to develop your purpose statement

This Purpose Bootcamp is for you if:

You have all of these amazing ideas in your heart, and you just feel stuck, not knowing where to start

You want to live life on purpose, but you feel as though there is no time to even think these thoughts

Others look at you and believe you have it all together and you are successful, but deep down you know your heart is crying out for fulfilment and you are yearning for more.

You feel buried under the expectations of others and societal pressure to act a certain way, that you have lost your path

You are caught up in the daily grind, but you know there is a place of peace, prosperity and fulfillment you long for

If This Sounds Like You, The Purpose Bootcamp was specially created for you…

You know this Purpose Bootcamp is for you if…

You are not alone...

Nike & Oluseye here…and we are so pleased that you made your way here.

We have walked in your shoes at some point too.

We know you are here because you desire more out of your life.

And we know exactly what it is you desire because we have been in your exact position before.

You see, we were those woman who knew that we needed to love and care for our children and raise them into a mighty army for the Lord.

On this other side, we knew without a doubt that we also had this great unrest in our hearts because we knew that God made us for so much more than the life we were living at that time.

And guess what?

God said to us:

“I want you to do both – raise exceptional children and live out your purpose fully – and execute those roles flawlessly. I will teach you how to do it, so you can help others do the same thing.”

We were delighted and full of joy because before then, we felt guilty for wanting more from both sides – being a great mom and living the life that God called us to live.

So, here we are, many years after, working with thousands of women like you, doing exactly what God told us was possible.

Through coaching and mentoring for Christian mothers like you, we can support your dreams to living a fulfilling life.

Will you let us show you how you can have the best of both worlds?

Our Program Methodology

Completely Online

The Purpose Bootcamp is completely online and this means that you can take it from wherever you are in the world. It gives you the opportunity to meet participants from across the globe.

Interactive & Intuitive Learning

In the Purpose Bootcamp, we provide you with the right learning platform, community and live coaching opportunity for you to get started on the pathway to purpose.

Access to Bootcamp Course Platfrom

In the Purpose Bootcamp, we provide you with access to our course platform where you can get immediate access to your bootcamp resources and other bonus resources we provide for you during the bootcamp.


In the Purpose Bootcamp, we provide you with daily live session throughout the bootcamp, where you get first-hand learning opportunity, and you also get to ask questions right there on the call.

What You Will Learn in
The Purpose Bootcamp

Day 1 - From Chaos To Clarity

In this module, we will help you walk through the feeling of overwhelm you have, show you how to navigate your current season with joy, and point you in the right direction to living a life free of overwhelm

Day 2 - Introducing 'YOU' to you

In this module, we will help you to take a deep dive into excavating and uncovering who you really are, under all the trappings of success and labels that you have put on yourself. You will leave with a clear sense about who God made you to be

Day 3 - Creating Your Purpose Pathway

In this module, we begin our journey on to the purpose pathway, by asking and sorting through your life's journey to reveal clues and building blocks that will support you in understanding and discerning where you should be on this pathway of purpose.

Day 4 - Purpose Building Blocks

In this module, we continue with and create a plan for you to understand how to navigate the Purpose pathway. We will give you the right tools to build your own purpose pathway. The clues you have discovered will strengthen your understanding and conviction about the path you have been called to on this purpose journey.

Day 5 - Purpose Party

In this module, we round up the Purpose Bootcamp with clarity about your Purpose pathway. You will leave the challenge armed with your next steps and strategy that you need to move forward on this journey. You would have understood how you should move and the next for you as God's daughter. other Bonus Masterclasses

How To Turn Your Strengths into Super Powers

How To Design Your BOLD Life

The Power of Your Daily Routine

The Power of Your Bio

How To Elevate Your Personal Brand

Decision-Making: The Power of The Big 5

Why Attend?

🌟 Expert Guidance: Learn from seasoned professionals who have excelled in their fields. Gain access to their invaluable insights and strategies.


🌐 Interactive Workshops: Participate in hands-on workshops designed to help you apply what you've learned to your unique journey.


🗣️ Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded individuals, share ideas, and build lasting relationships.

What You will get:

🎓 Comprehensive Resources:

Receive access to our program resources, workbooks, live sessions, assessment and tools to support your visioning journey.

👥 Access to a Thriving Community:

Join a dedicated online community to stay connected, seek advice, and find inspiration.

📖 Personalized Action Plan:

Create a personalized roadmap for success with guidance from our coaches during this workshop

🎓 Daily Live Sessions:

Get daily live sessions access where you get the opportunity for group coaching with our world class coaches with other BOLD women community members

👥 Access to Our Collective App:

Get on-the-go access to our Living Boldly app before, during and for 30 days after the webinar workshops.

📖 Discounted Access to Other Sessions and Events

You also get access to other events and resources for a discount once you join us for the Purpose bootcamp sessions.

Your Investment


The enormous value you will get in this Purpose bootcamp will be an investment of $97 for non-members (original price $297) and member-only pricing for members of our Living Boldly Collective starts at $0.

To get Member-Only pricing, you can join the Living Boldly Collective here.

Join PURPOSE BOOTCAMP right away here

Premium Member Access

Your membership code for premium members gives you 100% off (LOGIN FOR ACCESS)

$ 0

Get full access to all live bootcamp sessions, bootcamp workbooks, community and coaching resources at a 100% discount as a Premium member of our Living Boldly Collective

Bold Women Club Members

Your membership code for Bold Women Club members gives you 50% off (LOGIN FOR ACCESS)

$ 47.50

Get full access to all live bootcamp sessions, bootcamp workbooks, community and coaching resources at a 50% discount as a member of our BOLD Women Club

Book Club Members

Your Membership Code for Book Club Members gives you 25% off (LOGIN FOR ACCESS)

$ 75

Get full access to all live bootcamp sessions, bootcamp workbooks, community and coaching resources at a 25% discount as a member of our BOLD Book Club

Non-Member Access

Get non-member discounted access at a discounted amount - original price $297

$ 97

Get full access to all live bootcamp sessions, bootcamp workbooks, community and coaching resources for the duration of the program and extended 30-day access to all program resources.

Want to join the collective for member-only pricing? Then join the collective right away for discounted access to the PURPOSE BOOTCAMP


Your BOLD 2024 is within your reach

This moment, this very moment, you have the power to step into an incredibly designed life…a life of true purpose!

What will you do about this?

 The whole of creation is waiting for you, waiting for your manifestation.
Will you answer the call to a life of purpose?

Trusted By

Current & Past Students
1 +
Business & ENTERPRISE Brands
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Coaches & Guest Mentors
1 +

Hear from Our Community

What our people say


The Purpose Bootcamp is for you if:

  • You sense there is more to you than where you are now
  • You desire to live a life of purpose, but you don’t know where to start
  • Others look at you and feel you are successful and you have it altogether, but you know deep down within you that you feel empty and dissatisfied
  • You want to be with a group of purpose-driven visionary women who will challenge you to be more and do more

We understand that everyone’s schedule may not fit into the live session schedule, but we’ve got you covered. The Purpose Bootcamp, though recorded live, gives you access to the full program resources and live session replays.


The Purpose Bootcamp is offered over a period of 5 days, which makes it easy for you to take immediate and quick action. With our methodology, you will find yourself gaining rapid clarity over the 5-day period, if you put in the work.

That is entirely up to you, your speed of assimilation and lifestyle. As far as the purpose bootcamp program course delivery is concerned, it will take 60 minutes of your time for the live sessions for each module, and you may need to spend an additional 45-60 minutes working through your worksheets for each session.

Our programs are offered completely online and we have had women from across different countries in different time zones of the world take our courses in the past. 

All of our programs can be accessed by anyone in the world from anywhere as long as you have access to the internet and an interne-enabled device.

The question is can you afford not to invest in yourself, your dreams and your future? We know that you want growth but there is no growth without sacrifice. So, the question you should ask yourself is, how long can I continue to make excuses? What will I gain if I allow myself the opportunity to be a part of this program? How will this transform me, and consequently my children and family? How will this equip me to become the kind of person that I know I should be? So, what will you sacrifice? What will your growth cost you? What will this investment bring to you? Focus on the results you know you want and not what it will cost you. 

If your question has not been addressed here, please email us your questions. If it is a technical issue, please send a screenshot of the problem with your email so we can support you and walk you through the process. You can email us at [email protected] or send a message using the chat option on your screen.


This is the Best Time To Get Started

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